: Specifications > Hastelloy
Typical Analysis in Percent:
Ni (+ Co) bal. Cr 14.5 - 16.5
Fe 4 - 7 Co 2.5


15 - 17 W 3 - 4.5
C .01 Mn V
Si .08 V .35
Mechanical Properties (at Room Temperature):
  MPa ksi
Ultimate Tensile Strength 790 115
Yield Strength (0.2% offset) 335 52

Elastic Modulus (Tension): 61%

Elastic Modulus (tension):
10 6 psi
205 29.8

Hardness: 90 HRB
Physical Properties:
Density: 8.89 g/m©ø
Melting Point/Range: 1325-1370 oC, 2415-2500 ¢µ

Specific Heat:

J/kg ¡¤ K

Btu/lb. ¡¤¢µ
427 0.102

Average Coefficient of Thermal Expansion:

¥ìm/m ¡¤ K

¥ìin/in ¡¤ ¢µ
427 0.102

(Average Value at 25-100 ¡É [75-200 ¢µ])

Thermal Conductivity:

w/m ¡¤ K

Btu ¡¤ in/ft©÷ ¡¤ h ¡¤ ¢µ
9.8 67.9

Electrical Resistivity: 1300 n¥Ø ¡¤ m
Curie Temperature: -125 ¡É, -193 ¢µ
Hastelloy is a registered trademark of Hynes International
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