: Products > Metal Powder Division > Bronze Powder
diamond tools, filler for resin, sintered filters, etc.
standard packing: 50kgs
Trade Mark Particle Size-Dry Sieve
(ASTM B-214)
Shape A.D
>75 um(%) >45 um(%) >45 um(%) Copper(%) Tin(%)
BN 91 SS 3 max Balance 60 - 80 88 - 90 10 -11.5 Spherical 4 - 5.5
BN 8515 SS 3 max Balance 60 - 80 84 - 86 14 - 16 4.2 - 5.2
BN 82 SS 3 max Balance 60 - 80 79 - 81 18 - 20 4 - 5
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